Month: April 2018

Publish Eve

I’ve had a lot of awesome experiences over the past year or so getting White Dove ready for publication.  So, on the eve of its official debut (though the eBook has been flying off the digital shelves this week–wow!), I thought I’d recount some of the most awesome moments of this final push to publish.  So, for

Five Thoughts on Rocking this Writing Thing In Between Your Actual Life

A lot of people ask me about how I find time in my day to do the things that I do.  It is probably the most common question I get, with the exception of “Are you crazy?”– which for some (undetermined) reason is another question I frequently field.  I answer these questions pretty reliably– first,


A lot of people ask me about my Goodreads feed and why it takes up so much real estate on my website. Great question! If you can’t tell, I’m a big fan of Goodreads. If you’re not already a Goodreads user, I’ll lay out the case for why you should be. Pretty much everyone I