Sparks in Time: A New Blog Series For History Fans
On April 9, 2020 by adminGreetings Scribblers!
I hope everyone is finding a way to stay safe and healthy, adapt to new routines, and juggle the new reality that the global community is coping with.
For me, I’ve found that my schedule has transitioned overnight from having a busy work and travel schedule to a very different kind of workday, complete with confinement to our property and directing children in a new homeschooling routine. It’s not without its challenges but I’m grateful that we are healthy and safe, and so thankful for the people who are working day and night to try to keep us all healthy, safe and fed.
I have been able to use this opportunity to finally put the finishing touches on some of the projects that have been on the back-burner for Scribble & Spark, namely the launch of my new blog series, Sparks in Time. (For all of you anxiously awaiting the next book in the Shadows series, stay tuned for updates, release dates and an invite for beta readers!)
Sparks in Time
Sparks in Time is a blog series that goes in depth on one historical topic or event every other week and discusses points of interest from the perspective of a historical fiction novelist. As a writer in this genre, I spend the majority of my time researching historic periods, and sometimes—really mundane details about places and times. Much of this research never sees the light of day, but I find it to be the most intriguing part of my work and my curiosity for learning continues to drive my writing.
Sparks in Time will shine some light on the research that I am doing as part of my writing and provide a place for community comment and discussion. As you might guess, this blog series will closely track my current writing projects. For now, much of the focus will be on early 20th century European history, as this is the focus of my work-in-progress. However, as I move from project to project, I will expand the discussions to new eras and locations. It’s a great way for readers to glean some insight into my current writing and get the insider scoop on some to the themes that are woven into my published work.
But beyond a discussion of historic events, I’ll tie in some personal notes. For those who know me, I love to travel and will try to incorporate landmarks and travel experiences related to some of these topics. My discussions will also include recommendations for reading, both fiction and non-fiction.
I hope that the blog becomes a forum for community discussion and interest, and am looking forward to interacting more with followers through this blog.
What To Look For
Starting in mid-April, I’ll be publishing regular posts on historic topics related to my writing. As the series gets going, look for reader surveys, guest posts, interviews, giveaways and more!
I’ll be posting material on my website and social media accounts, and will be sending out more frequent updates to interested subscribers.
How to Participate
If you love reading these posts and find the discussion engaging, consider supporting this series on Patreon. You can chime in and offer feedback, suggestions, or just introduce yourself.
Looking forward to this new adventure!
And as always, keep scribbling!
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