Sparks in Time: A New Blog Series For History Fans
On April 9, 2020 by adminDo you love to write or read historical fiction? Sparks in Time is a perfect place to go for information and inspiration for your next creative project.

NaNoWriMo: Prep Ideas for Non-Planners
On October 19, 2019 by adminI’m making it official—I am a NaNoWriMo 2019 participant! My goal? A completed draft. Will it result in writing 50,000 words? Probably not. If I know one thing about myself, it’s that I love to make unrealistic goals. Goals that plant their little seeds in my mind when I’m having my morning cup of coffee,

September Milestones
On September 17, 2019 by adminAchieving big goals starts with checking off some smaller milestones!

Scribbles and SparkBooks
On September 8, 2019 by adminFor those of you who are anxiously awaiting Forever England, I promise I’m still hard at work! I have, however, taken a little time to reflect on my own writing process, identify areas where I can streamline my own routine, and hopefully–provide a resource for the broader writing community. The result of this introspection? Something

On July 26, 2019 by adminI have had many of my Scribblers ask about Forever England, so an update is due! First of all, thank you for your interest! It’s awesome to know that many eager readers awaiting book two of the Shadows in Drab and Green series. I promise I am toiling away. My goal for this series has

The “List”… Motivator or Demoralizer?
On March 29, 2019 by adminFor someone who prefers to fly by the seat of her pants, I still harbor some tendencies of a plotter. I’m not sure where I picked up these habits or the feeling that they are something that I should embrace, but I do know that some of the most basic organizing hacks that help others

On Ads, KDP, Stats…and Beyond!
On February 2, 2019 by adminAs promised, I’m checking in with the takeaways from last month’s promotion. What worked? What didn’t? And how do I measure success? In January, Scribble & Spark ran a special through KDP with the “goal” of getting the 2018 release White Dove to the number one book in its genre on Amazon. To help promote the

Free eBook Day 1
On January 20, 2019 by adminDay 1 Strategy: Ad stacks, social media, word of mouth. Inspire people to click and see what the fuss is all about. Day 1 Results: So far, so good! As of this afternoon, White Dove was #6 in Historical Fiction- Irish (exciting, but probably a really small niche community of interest), but #44 in Fiction-

Experiments with Ads
On January 19, 2019 by adminBack in October I ran a promo for White Dove and had unexpected success. For five days, the eBook version was free on Amazon. I had stacked a few ads and made a few social media posts, hoping that it would gain some attention. What I didn’t expect was that it would rise to the

Setting the Scene for Historical Fictions
On January 14, 2019 by adminWhen I began writing my last novel, White Dove, my main fear was that I wouldn’t be able to set it accurately in time and place. I agonized over it. I lost sleep over it. The fear of missing the mark rattled my confidence more than once. For White Dove–and for any work that requires an author to